What is your favorite weapon?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Job Well Done

da group finished da job da udder day

we made some coin and me got da worse gas of me life me was warned not to eat da mutton pie, but me love mutton pie, I tought me would never stop farting and da smell was enough to wilt pine trees, me had to trow away me skivies

me feeling so many new tings, da world is so much bigger and different than me tought Da protected me from da real world me so confused

meeting Soka makes tings warm and fuzzy me loved watchin her climb down the notty rope, da way her hips moved like she was dancing me chain mail got tight

but noting me can do about it, me maybe an outcast noblemans son but me still a noble me sure she is beneath me notice

me need to focus on da next job and see wat is be behind da door

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Me bored

Me tired of sitting and talking, me ready to go back to da wilds and find tings to fight

If me keep hearing dat half-elf talk, me might just smash someting or someone

Me cleaned everyting me owns twice me tired of cleaning

me keep tinking of the female fighter who might be part orc, parts of me feel funny

me not know what to do

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Me had a dream last nite

me was ridin a big wite hors with armur

me was in very shiny plate armur with a huge mace with the head balled into a fist holding a silver dagger

the mace said to me it is time for you to acept your destiney

me head filled with a glowing light and then me woke up

me have no idea wat that meant

me hungy now

Friday, August 14, 2009

me thoughts

now me hav mor time to tink abut de last few dayz me not know so many difernt tings

me know me not so smart, but me hav a noble Da and mes leanrdes lotz me keeps me armur and me weapons clean and oiled

me not so sure udders so clean not very polite eider me wish Da was alive if it be true orcs worse that humen me not so sure me want to find me Ma

Thursday, August 13, 2009

On the road finally

me finally left home no more stuff to find only sadness left

me tried to get a job but the red riders didnt even talk to me

met some uder peples one talked so much me wanted to pull out his tung

one with wolf smelled really bad

uders were okay for humens me guess

we gots a job to take some majik stuf to anuder town

some stupid people ataks us me smashed tree of dehm good

we gots a few coins and sum chain male that may fit me if me getz fixed up

it was fun smashing and not hearing so much talking but then he talked and talked and talked

me no mind talk if you have sumting to say

Da was right most peple not to civilized

most upseting ting for me was me think me met a half-orc like me, but me not sure she just may be a prety humen she did sond like a dog drowning when she talkd to the litle dark humen so me confused me not know what to say

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me ready to go

today me find sometings to get me going to find me Ma

me found anudder set of gauntlets but these have spikes, me use sometimes

also me find a small bag of coins, enough to get me out of hear

me need to find me Ma and udder orcs me need to learn da truth

also the humens been hunting for me, me kill to many dogs and cats and lambs and steel food me been hungy

time for me to

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why me no like sword

me no like sword because Da said me was clusmy like ox me almost cut off me toes once so me much better with mace and axe now me can bash or cut and not worry about me toes

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Me find more

today me found a shield and a big helment for my head. me go pratice a lot. draw humen faces on trees and me thrown javelins and beat with me great mace and me battle axe. me kill many humen trees.

me hungry no more pies me want to find a lamb and roast it. me think farmer Yan always sleeping me go take what is owed to me.

me was right Yan is sleeping but not his dog, so me ate dog instead next time me get lamb

Saturday, August 8, 2009

me found it

Me found one of me Da's stashes hidden near de barn. Now me can get revenge. Me found 6 javelins with a quiver and 10 extra heads. Me also found a battle axe and a great mace. But what me like most is the set of scale mail. Me want to rub it all till it's shiny. Me will get the humens

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Humen not so smart

Humen they tought they take it all

Still some left

Me know where Da hide udder weapons, armur, coins

Me will go find and me will become greatest Orc fighter ever

Me so hungry now I smel Old Lady Fanny's pie, maybe me go steal one