What is your favorite weapon?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bad memoryes

Me tought me was tuff, me tought me over Da's deth and da beating da townfoks gave me,

Me was so wrong, da kobolds dat jumped me made me remember da beating made me remember my Da dying me so sad, me wantz to cry but orces and menes don't cry when wez growz up

Me couldn't sleep so me crept back to where da litle wite dragon is at and me skinned it and tok the feetes and da tail, me can only find peace in killing and working on da tings me kiled.  Me went back to some of da kobolds and pulled out some of der dog lik teth, me not sure what me will do but maybe me make a necklace or bracelt and give to me Ma when me findz her

If da dreamz don't stop soon, me might have to smoke some of the stinkin weed  Me need ale. Me tired.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Comedy and Carnage

Me tought kobolds funy litle tings, me laffed and laffed at dem

dey nocked me down me stil laff at dem dey almost felt like dey try to tikle me

den dey started poking me with der litle nifes me stoped laffing and started smashing

me not tink dey so funy anymore, next time me will just smash

me was realy impresed at da carnage me mates inflicted on da litle dog faced dings

we keep dis up and we will be unstopable

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Me tried to make da litle ones understand da need of leadership, me not tink dey understand to well

Me tinks dey did a litle beter but me tinks me might need to do more dan scream next time maybe me bop one on da head to let dem know battle time me in charge

Me not afraid to die, but me not want to die during a debate of right and wrong in middle of battle later we can debate when we divide the treasure

Me not realy like the stikin dog headed thing on me neck, but me wanted to show me fierceness to the weak ones it smelz so bad  Me dad wood never approve

Me worried about dis group, me wander how me dad wood handle dis

da one called Perel is touched in da head he is burning is brain up with hiz herbs

the litle finger wiggler can't make a choice with out asking

the uder so called orc, she so quiet, but looks good when she bends over to pick up her hammer so me forgive her

the jammy man, me have no idea what he is doing, me tink he needz to go back to live in a cave under a rainbow

da stinky one he is a good one to have around like the litle healer nice to have one so near

over all not so bad, but dey need some training and displince or we going to get split up and all died